Easter Sunday All-Age – How can we know for certain that Jesus really did rise again?
How can we know for certain that Jesus really did rise again?
- Did Jesus really die or did He just faint? (Soldier) Mt 27:62-28:15; Jn 19:28-37
- What happened to the body? (Mary Magdalene) Mt 27:55-61 & 28:1-10; Jn 20:11-18
- Was Jesus seen alive after His death on the cross or was it just a dream? (Thomas) Jn 20:24-29; Jn 21:1-14; Lk 24:13-49; 1 Cor 15:3-8
To listen to Mark Ventham preaching at Christ Church on Sunday morning 16th April 2017 use the player above.
Series: AllAge (2017)