Happy Homes (1 Peter 3:1 to 7)
With marriage in decline in the UK, and divorce rates rising, is there a recipe for happy homes?
In Peter’s letter to the early Christians he lays out God’s order in marriage. The general message in society today is about putting self first, ensuring my happiness and satisfaction in life.
The Christian in desiring to follow Jesus first, put’s him first, others next and self last. God’s recipe for a successful and happy marriage follows that pattern: The wife submitting to God first, her husband next and considering her own self last. The husband, with God given authority as head of the marriage, puts God first, the needs of his wife second and himself last.
A counter cultural message!
To listen to Steve Mills preaching at Christ Church on Sunday morning 24th July 2011 use the player above..
Series: 1 Peter (2011)