1 Peter 5:1 to 7 – Stress Free Leadership
Jesus Christ is the Great Shepherd who entrusts the leadership of the church to under- shepherds, or elders, who are called to do their job willingly and diligently with a supportive church in an atmosphere of humility
Elders are called to lead as shepherds would – not grudgingly but willingly, not greedily but eagerly and not in a domineering way but through example
All, but particularly young people are called to respect the leadership structures God has put in place
Everyone is called to be humble but at the same time encouraged that we can cast all our cares on Jesus because he really does care for us.
To listen to Graham Nicholls preaching from 1 Peter at Christ Church on Sunday morning 28th August 2011 use the player above..
Series: 1 Peter (2011)