Peace at Last – Psalm 131

I want too much too fast
I try and work my way out of problems
my heart is proud
I look at others, and they seem in my way
Why do they step into my comfort zone
why do people get in my way?
my eyes are haughty
I aspire to be the greatest code cracker ever
to decipher the code of life
to get life to deliver in straight lines I can understand
Woe betide anything in my way
or anyone who slows me down and makes me swerve
I want to rule the roost
to be king of my little mountain
I concern myself with things to weighty for me
I need to learn to be like a child content in their mother’s arms
to have a baby heart
to learn the unforced rhythms of grace
these rhythms are not always slow
they are steady, like a runner speeding along
but with easy measured strides
these rhythms are not inefficient
they are not thoughtless or aimless
they are going in the right direction
they are purposeful and strong
they are calm but sure,
steady and grace filled
they are the unforced rhythms of grace
Is your heart tempted to be proud? –
-be like Jesus
who was meek and gentle in spirit
Are you eyes haughty?
– be like Jesus
who associated with tax collectors and sinners
Are you worried and concerned about things that are beyond you?
– be like Jesus
he was happily submissive to His Father and lived in quiet dependency on him.